Titre The predictive value of coexisting TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusion and PTEN deletion in prostate cancer patients with biochemical failure status post salvage or radical radiation therapy
Protocole ID PCS VIII
ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT02573636
Type(s) de cancer Prostate
Phase Autres
Institution CISSS DE LAVAL
      1755 boul. René-Laennec, Laval, QC, H7M 3L9
Ville Laval
Investigateur(trice) principal(e) Dr Levon Igidbashian
Coordonnateur(trice) Solange Tremblay
 450-668-1010 poste 23603
Statut Actif en recrutement
Date d'activation 26-07-2016
Critètes d'éligibilité
  • Patients with adenocarcinoma of the prostate, status post-radical radiation therapy or salvage radiation therapy, who have biochemical failure (rising PSA) or not (matched control group), and meets one of the following criteria at the time of the original diagnosis:
  • T3a +
  • PSA > 20
  • Gleason 8 or higher
  • Karnofsky performance status ≥ 70.
  • Signed study-specific informed consent
Critètes d'exclusion