
The GEOQ is a non-profit organization whose main objective is to promote communication and cooperation between different professionals involved in the diagnosis, investigation, research and treatment of various forms of cancer as well as certain hematological conditions associated.


Registration restricted to health professionals practicing in Quebec, involved in cancer diagnosis, treatment or research. Please fill in the registration form.

Public »

This section allows you to consult the directory of clinical trials in Quebec.

If you are a health professional and wish to access all our content, please click here. »

Treatment Regimens

Summary of study, with dosage, results (overall survival,...), toxicities. Prescription, administration guide and advice to patients for most protocols.

Clinical Trials

Directory of active Clinical Trials in Quebec.


Preview of most recent online conferences produced by the GEOQ and the VSPO, a joint program between McGill University and the Université de Montréal.